Course Description
A few roads near the Start and Finish will be completely closed to traffic, though all other roads will be open to traffic. Because of this runners should be aware of oncoming vehicles. There will be course marshals on the course to direct traffic and will do the best to make sure that participants stay safe and that vehicles do no interfere with race participants. The course will be well marked as well.
This is a very hilly 10 mile "lollipop" course. The first and last ~.75 miles is fairly flat. The remainder of the course is hilly. Think of the course as one big hill - the first half is uphill and the second half is downhill. Most of the hills are fairly gradual, though there are a few short steep sections. The course is 85% paved, with miles ~5 through 6.5 on gravel (Patton Mountain Road).
Start: 2,162' above sea level
Finish: 2,162' above sea level
Max: 3,063' above sea level
Gain: 1,476'
Distance: 10 mi

Time Cutoffs
Runners must maintain a pace faster than 20:00min/mile. Runners must leave Aid Station #2 (top of Patton Mountain Road - Mile Marker ~5) by 100 minutes into the race (9:40AM assuming the race starts promptly at 8:00AM). This means that runners must average a pace of at least 3 miles per hour, which is a fast walk. Keep in mind that the first 5 miles are uphill and will longer than the final five miles which are downhill.
Aid Stations
There will be three aid stations on the course: Mile 2.3, Mile 5, and Mile 7.6.
All Aid Stations will have water. There will be additional food and beverages at the Finish such as oranges, cookies, bread items, and more.
This is not a cup-less race though runners are encouraged to bring their own bottles/drinking vessels to help us reduce our impact on the environment. No littering will be tolerated on the course. The race director has the right to disqualify a participant if they are caught littering on the course.
Cue Sheet
- The Start line will be on Orange St, between S Liberty St and Central Ave. You can type in "55 Orange St" in your phone to be directed to START. This is also the Finish line.
- Right on S Liberty St (~50 yards). Right onto Chesnut St (~200 yards). Course marshals and City of Asheville Police will ensure smooth crossing through the traffic light on Charlotte St (~½ mi). This is where the substantial uphill portion of the race begins. Continue straight to go 1 more block on Chesnut St.
- Left onto Furman Ave (1 block)
- Right onto Baird St and then continue to the Left onto Sunset Dr. This is a curvy and steep section lasting about ⅛ mile.
- Continue straight on Sunset Dr. Runners will cross over Cherokee Rd (~¼ mi).
- Runners will reach a fork in the road about 100m after crossing Cherokee Rd. STAY to the RIGHT (uphill side) here to continue on Sunset Dr.
- Continue straight on Sunset Dr for another mile at which point you will see AID STATION #1 (~Mile # 2.3). After fueling up at the aid station, runners will take an immediate very sharp Right onto Old Toll Rd (~150 degree turn).
- Stay on Old Toll Rd for ~½ mi until reaching Bent Tree Rd. Take a sharp left onto Bent Tree Rd. Continue straight on Bent Tree Rd. After about ¾ the main road will vere sharply to the right (basically a switchback). The road name changes to Crestwood Rd even though you are staying on the main road.
- Go about ½ mi and runners will reach an intersection of several roads, including Town Mountain Rd. Take a slight left here to turn onto the middle road, Sunset Summit.
- ½ mile onto Sunset Summit and you will reach Patton Mountain Rd. See a large white water tower (~20 feet tall) and take an immediate slight Left onto Patton Mountain Rd. This is where you will find AID STATION #2 (~Mile # 5). Pat yourself on the back - you are halfway done! This is also the high point of the race and the end up the uphill section of the race. The vast majority of the remaining 5 mile is downhill!
After fueling up at the Aid Station, continue down Patton Mountain Rd. Notice the North Carolina Governor’s Western Residence to your right. The next ~1.8 mi is a gravel road. Continue on the gravel until it changes back to pavement and immediately dead ends onto Sunset Dr. Take a left onto Sunset Dr here.
- Continue slightly downhill on Sunset Dr for ~1 mi and cross over Old Toll Rd. You are now running back down on the section of Sunset Dr that you ran up earlier in the race. Fuel up at AID STATION #3 (~Mile # 7.6) this is the same as Aid Station #1) and continue down Sunset Dr.
- At this point, runners will retrace their steps back down the mountain. Course marshals and City of Asheville Police will be at the intersection of Chesnut St and Charlotte St to help control traffic.
- Once back on Chesnut St, runners will take a Left on S Liberty St at the 4-way blinking traffic light. This is the HOME STRETCH! Go two blocks on S Liberty and then take a Left on Orange St where you will see the Finish line.
- Congratulations!